Nowhere Near Las Vegas
The Triumphs and Trials of a Nevada Greenhorn Family

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Fernley, Nevada 89408
So, here we are in Fernley, Nevada. Where is that, you might ask? Well, it's about 30 miles west of Reno, Nevada...which is nowhere near Las Vegas, aka the reason for my new blog title. We moved here from the midwest last September, and have had many requests for us to "meet us in Las Vegas!" Um, it's over 6 hours away., we do not hang out there every weekend. Anyway, I had to get that off my chest. Most people only know Reno's location if we mention Lake Tahoe is nearby. It is an awesome place to live. The weather is fantastic, as we just finished our first winter here. In Fernley, we had snow maybe...4 days. Total. And that's no shoveling required. Usually it's in the 40's and 50's, with a few days here and there under 30. Coming from the arctic cold that is South Dakota, it has been heaven. I work in Reno, thus I have a 30-40 minute commute two times a day, four+ days a week. I really don't mind the commute; it gives me time to eat my breakfast, pray, enjoy the scenery (mountains the whole way) and get myself prepared for work/home. We have so much to look forward to now that the temperatures are getting warmer. We spent a little time hiking before winter hit, but haven't gotten out to Tahoe as of yet. Heath is going to get a fishing license, and Laila is excited about getting a "fishing stick" so that she can help out. The food choices are much more advanced than in Sioux Falls, as we have a Whole Foods, Trader Joe's and a food co-op as well. I have remained mostly vegan, and as of December have gone gluten-free. It has been challenging combining the two, but I am always up for an adventure. With the new blog, I plan on chatting about food, family, and the fearless adventures we have here in Northern Nevada...stay tuned.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
A New Avenue
Well, it's been a long time since I have written anything relating to, well, anything. My life has been so busy in the last 6+ months that I have neglected to write about my new adventures and experiences. A much needed revamp is coming around the corner. The one year experiment has turned out to be much more than I expected. I have a much healthier family, food-wise. I have a husband that agrees that you don't have to eat meat with every meal. He cooks too! He does an amazing job choosing vegan/semi-vegan recipes each week and is getting better and better at cooking. I admire his viracity and his exploration into the unknown. With my life becoming a little more routine, I now believe I have time to change things up a bit and blog more often. I plan on changing the concept for the blog, but am in the midst of choosing a new name. A new year brings me to challenge myself to learn more about things that are pertinent to the future. I will write something up sometime soon....stay tuned.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
I'm's been a long time!! I had graduation week, then a week at home and then we went to Mexico (Cabo San Lucas) for a week. Just getting back into the groove of things. Still sticking to the diet, with a small deviation during graduation week and our trip to Mexico. I can definitely tell what makes my body happy, and that's a vegan lifestyle. I felt tired, bloated, and just sick overall. Since coming back on Sunday, I have gone back to my normal diet and am surprised on how quickly my body snaps back to feeling great.
We have a timeshare in Mexico and will be going back for many years to come. Therefore, I am interested in finding out how their produce is grown. I will be doing some research on what foods to avoid.
Heath is doing great on the diet, I am so proud of him. He did even better than I did when we were in Mexico. I think I ate too much cheese. A lot of the cheese was goat cheese, which doesn't bother me as much, but still doesn't make my gut happy.
We ran out of dishwashing detergent, so to save money we are washing by hand. I don't really like to do it, but not only am I saving money by not buying detergent, I am saving energy and water by washing by hand. So, we'll continue this for the present.
We have a timeshare in Mexico and will be going back for many years to come. Therefore, I am interested in finding out how their produce is grown. I will be doing some research on what foods to avoid.
Heath is doing great on the diet, I am so proud of him. He did even better than I did when we were in Mexico. I think I ate too much cheese. A lot of the cheese was goat cheese, which doesn't bother me as much, but still doesn't make my gut happy.
We ran out of dishwashing detergent, so to save money we are washing by hand. I don't really like to do it, but not only am I saving money by not buying detergent, I am saving energy and water by washing by hand. So, we'll continue this for the present.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
I'm Back!
After a long weekend away from home, I am back. I ate vegetarian this weekend, NOT vegan. It shows. I came home exhausted, with headaches, tummy aches, and mood aches. I will be starting back pure vegan tomorrow. I am looking forward to feeling rejuvenated. I must have to make these mistakes in order to learn how my body reacts to things like refined sugars, small amounts of dairy, lack of fresh veggies.
I am starting a new fitness regime tomorrow, I will be setting my alarm for 5:30 am in order to run before getting ready for work. I want to take the last 5 pounds off before our trip to Cabo San Lucas in a month. I will keep updating work out progress. Maybe this will keep me motivated.
Fun update: I made Vegan Peanut Butter Cups tonight. I am bringing them to work tomorrow. I got the recipe from Alicia's book "The Kind Diet." I had to try one to make sure they were edible. :) They are amazing. I used carob chips that I bought at Whole Foods while I was in Omaha.
Speaking of Whole Foods: I know that there's some controversy about how organic and "whole"some they are, but I was very impressed with my visit there on Monday morning. I really wish we had something comparable to that in Sioux Falls, but I may just have to wait until we move somewhere a little more organic-friendly.
I am starting a new fitness regime tomorrow, I will be setting my alarm for 5:30 am in order to run before getting ready for work. I want to take the last 5 pounds off before our trip to Cabo San Lucas in a month. I will keep updating work out progress. Maybe this will keep me motivated.
Fun update: I made Vegan Peanut Butter Cups tonight. I am bringing them to work tomorrow. I got the recipe from Alicia's book "The Kind Diet." I had to try one to make sure they were edible. :) They are amazing. I used carob chips that I bought at Whole Foods while I was in Omaha.
Speaking of Whole Foods: I know that there's some controversy about how organic and "whole"some they are, but I was very impressed with my visit there on Monday morning. I really wish we had something comparable to that in Sioux Falls, but I may just have to wait until we move somewhere a little more organic-friendly.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
In the clear
It's been a promising week. I am heading out of town tomorrow to visit my best friends in Omaha, so I will be leaving Heath to fend for himself for a few days. I think he gets the jist of what to eat/not to eat, I think he'll do well. I have lost 5 pounds since the beginning of this, although I am not weighing myself frequently, nor counting calories. I can tell that my clothes are fitting better, and I feel amazing. With the exception of a little sore throat (everyone is sick around here!), I am feeling the benefits of the dairy free/meat free/processed food free diet. I no longer hit a wall around 3 in the afternoon, I feel generally well all day long. No cravings for junk. I have been sleeping better. My skin is super soft. My mind is clear and my tummy is happy.
New find: I did some research on Apple Cider Vinegar as a natural product for...just about everything! I was having some skin issues with the detox right after I went pure vegan, and was finding it hard to bounce back. I looked up some natural remedies, and have been using ACV for about a week now. I mix 1 part ACV with 3 parts water, put it in a container and soak a cotton ball in it. Then I apply to the affected areas of the skin. I leave it on overnight, or all day when I apply it in the morning. It cleared my skin up within a few days. Google ACV for more natural remedies.
New find: I did some research on Apple Cider Vinegar as a natural product for...just about everything! I was having some skin issues with the detox right after I went pure vegan, and was finding it hard to bounce back. I looked up some natural remedies, and have been using ACV for about a week now. I mix 1 part ACV with 3 parts water, put it in a container and soak a cotton ball in it. Then I apply to the affected areas of the skin. I leave it on overnight, or all day when I apply it in the morning. It cleared my skin up within a few days. Google ACV for more natural remedies.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
The Aftermath
I've been wondering what happens if I cheat a bit. Well, I have encountered the aftermath of a vegan cheating fest. Yesterday, Heath and I had planned on a date, but Laila has been sick and wasn't feeling well; therefore, no babysitter. We went to Subway to eat. (Our previous plans were Granite City; they have a portobello burger which is vegan). They no longer carry the pizzas that I like (which aren't vegan, but vegetarian), in a quick glance across the menu, I chose the tuna sandwich, on flatbread. Added lots of veggies, just two slices of cheddar cheese. Didn't eat chips, had a Barq's Root Beer in lieu of aspartame laden diet sodas. Felt a little ill afterwards. (Maybe the mayo??) Went to the duck park with Laila, walked around. Still feeling nauseous. Went and rented a movie, wandered around Walgreens. Heath was a doll and got me my old fave, Gummi Bears. I decided this couldn't be too bad, shared a bag with Laila. I ate about half the bag while perusing real estate in Texas online. Didn't feel too hot afterwards, a little sugar LOW. I was up most of the night with Laila (high fever, bad cough, can't breathe very well). Woke up this morning feeling as if I had a night of crazy boozing and barhopping. As in...feel hungover. With none of the fun memories to go with it. So.
High fructose corn syrup+refined sugars+dyes+tuna+mayo+root beer=feeling like crap the next day.
Never again. This is how my body felt all the time, but I never noticed it because I was used to feeling that way. Next time I want to go a little crazy with the sugar, I will remember this queasy feeling and grab a piece of fruit.
High fructose corn syrup+refined sugars+dyes+tuna+mayo+root beer=feeling like crap the next day.
Never again. This is how my body felt all the time, but I never noticed it because I was used to feeling that way. Next time I want to go a little crazy with the sugar, I will remember this queasy feeling and grab a piece of fruit.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Here's to dedication-3 weeks completed, 99.7% vegan. That is probably an average between the 2 of us, Heath cheated a bit while on vacay, and I've been royally disciplined to be 100% vegan. Overall, things are still going very well. This week was a bit rough, the sickness has gotten to our family for the first time in a long time. Stomach flu came about, fevers, and a bit of allergies/colds. It appears our immune systems are not as strong as I'd like. But I suppose everyone gets sick every now and again.
New tastes: For dairy free alternatives to sweets, I tried Soy Dream ice cream, in French Vanilla. Delish. Also, I had a bit of a craving for some sweet during Easter weekend, and bought a vegan chocolate bar, Raspberry Dark Chocolate...(can't remember the brand). Ate about 3 squares of it, it was rich and very satisfying. Got Laila some organic M&M type candy. Other than that, Annie's Cinnamon Bunnies are a good treat. I do find that my cravings for sweets (especially at night) have dramatically decreased. I can sit right by the leftover Easter candy that people brought to work and not even desire a taste.
Tidbit: In The Kind Diet, I learned about a lot of interesting information...but the one I am putting into practice immediately is...changing my chewing. Alicia talks about how important it is to use our mouths to break down the food and aid in digestion. I know it also helps our brains to recognize when we are full; by eating slower, we can enjoy our food more. I am already a painstakingly slow eater, but I wouldn't say that I chew all that much. I am trying to remember to chew each bite as long as I can.
Reading: I am reading Serve God, Save the Planet: A Christian Call to Action by Matthew Sleeth, M.D. I am only on Chapter 3, but so far I am enjoying it. It's basically about a doctor that was into the "green" movement, but felt he was living hypocritically. So, he and his family sold half they own, downsized dramatically, quit the high paying job and fast lifestyle in order to do what they thought was right in the eyes of God. It's a basic wake up call to Christians (and everyone, really) to forget the goal of consumerism-driven success, and live for what is real and lasting. We should be taking care of the planet for God and our future generations. The book also looks at disease and how the ever-polluting environment is contributing to the rising rates of cancer, etc. I don't know if he'll bring diet into it, but I do agree that it's a gamut of things that bring about all the health problems that most Americans face these days. He brings an interesting point:
Why do we continue to try to find a CURE but put aside finding the CAUSE?
New tastes: For dairy free alternatives to sweets, I tried Soy Dream ice cream, in French Vanilla. Delish. Also, I had a bit of a craving for some sweet during Easter weekend, and bought a vegan chocolate bar, Raspberry Dark Chocolate...(can't remember the brand). Ate about 3 squares of it, it was rich and very satisfying. Got Laila some organic M&M type candy. Other than that, Annie's Cinnamon Bunnies are a good treat. I do find that my cravings for sweets (especially at night) have dramatically decreased. I can sit right by the leftover Easter candy that people brought to work and not even desire a taste.
Tidbit: In The Kind Diet, I learned about a lot of interesting information...but the one I am putting into practice immediately is...changing my chewing. Alicia talks about how important it is to use our mouths to break down the food and aid in digestion. I know it also helps our brains to recognize when we are full; by eating slower, we can enjoy our food more. I am already a painstakingly slow eater, but I wouldn't say that I chew all that much. I am trying to remember to chew each bite as long as I can.
Reading: I am reading Serve God, Save the Planet: A Christian Call to Action by Matthew Sleeth, M.D. I am only on Chapter 3, but so far I am enjoying it. It's basically about a doctor that was into the "green" movement, but felt he was living hypocritically. So, he and his family sold half they own, downsized dramatically, quit the high paying job and fast lifestyle in order to do what they thought was right in the eyes of God. It's a basic wake up call to Christians (and everyone, really) to forget the goal of consumerism-driven success, and live for what is real and lasting. We should be taking care of the planet for God and our future generations. The book also looks at disease and how the ever-polluting environment is contributing to the rising rates of cancer, etc. I don't know if he'll bring diet into it, but I do agree that it's a gamut of things that bring about all the health problems that most Americans face these days. He brings an interesting point:
Why do we continue to try to find a CURE but put aside finding the CAUSE?
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Amazing article on GMO's (Genetically Modified Organism)...:
Since watching Food, Inc. last night, I am deeply affected to change the products I buy and the companies I support. There is a farmer's market here in Sioux Falls that will be arriving soon, and for the first time, I plan on supporting the local farmers that grow their crops organically. As I read the side effects of these GMO's, and other foods that I used to consumer, I am certain that my own digestive issues are a cause of this. The best thing I can do is spread the word to others, and raise my child so that she won't have to deal with any of these health problems herself.
On a spiritual note, the film and its message hit me to the core, because I know that God is not happy with these practices that hurt animals, people, and the environment. Here is yet another way that America has turned from God. It seems like such an enormous issue; how can I help?? But with everything, we can only do our part, and God will do the rest. He expects us to stand up for what is right. Praise Him for being on the throne and allowing our eyes to be opened.
Since watching Food, Inc. last night, I am deeply affected to change the products I buy and the companies I support. There is a farmer's market here in Sioux Falls that will be arriving soon, and for the first time, I plan on supporting the local farmers that grow their crops organically. As I read the side effects of these GMO's, and other foods that I used to consumer, I am certain that my own digestive issues are a cause of this. The best thing I can do is spread the word to others, and raise my child so that she won't have to deal with any of these health problems herself.
On a spiritual note, the film and its message hit me to the core, because I know that God is not happy with these practices that hurt animals, people, and the environment. Here is yet another way that America has turned from God. It seems like such an enormous issue; how can I help?? But with everything, we can only do our part, and God will do the rest. He expects us to stand up for what is right. Praise Him for being on the throne and allowing our eyes to be opened.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Random Thoughts
Today has been quite productive on the natural food front. I went shopping with Laila after work today to restock on Omega 3's and probiotics. I also got a B-12 supplement after doing some research on why it's necessary in a vegan diet. This B-12 supplement is from plant sources (the same place the animals get it from). I also have switched from using Cod Liver Oil for Omega-3 to Flax Seed Oil. Far less saturated fat, plus it's fish-free. It tastes a bit better too, although our fish oil was lemon-flavored, the flax oil is a bit nuttier taste. Plus, the thought is a little less disgusting. At Target, I found Alicia Silverstone's book The Kind Diet (20% off!) and picked that up as well. More recipes! Plus a lot of valuable information.
And, as promised, I am watching "Food, Inc." I can barely put into words how this film is affecting me. I am so blessed to be able to afford/have access to wonderful, organic produce. I am also blessed by God with an open mind to expose myself to a lifestyle that is so foreign to most Americans. I cannot express how much I want people to SEE THIS MOVIE. It might change the way you think, it might not. But regardless if it changes the way you eat or the products you buy, it will plant a tiny seed of discomfort in the way that we are raised to eat in this country. I still have about a half an hour left in the movie, so I will leave this for now.
And, as promised, I am watching "Food, Inc." I can barely put into words how this film is affecting me. I am so blessed to be able to afford/have access to wonderful, organic produce. I am also blessed by God with an open mind to expose myself to a lifestyle that is so foreign to most Americans. I cannot express how much I want people to SEE THIS MOVIE. It might change the way you think, it might not. But regardless if it changes the way you eat or the products you buy, it will plant a tiny seed of discomfort in the way that we are raised to eat in this country. I still have about a half an hour left in the movie, so I will leave this for now.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Update: Springing forward
Still going strong...Heath is on his own for a few days, he's out of town and it will be up to him to make his own meals and decisions. I did provide him with a shopping list, so he can go to the store and make his own food while he's staying with friends. He updated me yesterday that he has lost 5 pounds. I wish I could say that. It seems that my body is happy where it is...but I have some shorts from last spring that say otherwise. But I think the weight will come off, slowly.
For the curious, this is what I ate today:
Breakfast: Blueberry bagel with Smart Balance Light vegan butter. 8 oz oatmeal with raisins, apple, flax seed.
Lunch: 2 c. spinach, red pepper, sprouts, broccoli, balsamic vinaigrette dressing, 1 1/2 cups fruit salad with cinnamon
Snack: 2 handfuls of almonds with dried blueberries and cranberries
Dinner: leftover Pasta with Peanut Pesto (from last night-delish!!), 2 pieces sourdough bread
Weekend plans: to watch Food, Inc. I haven't seen it, but hear it's very interesting. I will bring further thoughts after I have seen it.
Link: I watched a very interesting clip of Alicia Silverstone talking about going vegan. It's short, here's the link.
New goal: to incorporate even more raw food into my diet. I am making the transition to 100% vegan, and want to eventually get to 50% raw. This will take some more experience/planning/research. I will keep you updated on this.
What does the Bible say about our bodies and nutrition? I will be looking for verses/passages on this topic. The first one that comes to mind is:
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body."
For the curious, this is what I ate today:
Breakfast: Blueberry bagel with Smart Balance Light vegan butter. 8 oz oatmeal with raisins, apple, flax seed.
Lunch: 2 c. spinach, red pepper, sprouts, broccoli, balsamic vinaigrette dressing, 1 1/2 cups fruit salad with cinnamon
Snack: 2 handfuls of almonds with dried blueberries and cranberries
Dinner: leftover Pasta with Peanut Pesto (from last night-delish!!), 2 pieces sourdough bread
Weekend plans: to watch Food, Inc. I haven't seen it, but hear it's very interesting. I will bring further thoughts after I have seen it.
Link: I watched a very interesting clip of Alicia Silverstone talking about going vegan. It's short, here's the link.
New goal: to incorporate even more raw food into my diet. I am making the transition to 100% vegan, and want to eventually get to 50% raw. This will take some more experience/planning/research. I will keep you updated on this.
What does the Bible say about our bodies and nutrition? I will be looking for verses/passages on this topic. The first one that comes to mind is:
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body."
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