Saturday, April 3, 2010

Amazing article on GMO's (Genetically Modified Organism)...:

Since watching Food, Inc. last night, I am deeply affected to change the products I buy and the companies I support. There is a farmer's market here in Sioux Falls that will be arriving soon, and for the first time, I plan on supporting the local farmers that grow their crops organically. As I read the side effects of these GMO's, and other foods that I used to consumer, I am certain that my own digestive issues are a cause of this. The best thing I can do is spread the word to others, and raise my child so that she won't have to deal with any of these health problems herself.

On a spiritual note, the film and its message hit me to the core, because I know that God is not happy with these practices that hurt animals, people, and the environment. Here is yet another way that America has turned from God. It seems like such an enormous issue; how can I help?? But with everything, we can only do our part, and God will do the rest. He expects us to stand up for what is right. Praise Him for being on the throne and allowing our eyes to be opened.

1 comment:

  1. It is eye-opening to see how animals are regarded as basically a "unit" product which yields X dollars per pound. Sadly, most of us do not see that. We are so far removed from where our food originates. We saw a stockyard when traveling to California a few days ago. The cows were just babies and living on top of each other in a totally artificial environment. This hit home.
