I have a confession. I eat meat. Yet I call myself a vegetarian/vegan. I should clear this up. I rarely eat meat, maybe once a month. And most of the time, that's fish. So I may be a hypocrite. But, I am mostly vegan, with the exception of the fish. I don't "do" dairy products. I have been "vegan" for about a year, and am very happy to report that my digestive system likes me this way.
I have been attempting a strict vegan diet, but I have a husband and a child who are not exactly on the bandwagon here. Heath likes meat. A lot. Laila loves cheese. And candy. So, occasionally I fall off my plan. Especially when we go out to eat.
That brings us to the decision. We went to Perkins on Sunday afternoon. We ate breakfast. Heath and I got into a conversation about basic health issues. I have a strong belief that diet contributes to a lot of health problems, and that most ailments can be helped dramatically if one's diet changes. I brought up the topic of an experiment. I would find it interesting if Heath would try my vegan/raw food (more on that later) diet for one year. ONE YEAR. He agreed promptly. (Surprise!) So, here we are.
We started yesterday. I am planning on blogging about random thoughts on diet, and will include any results/complaints/general ideas about the progression of this journey.
I am excited to see where this takes us. Faithfully feasting, we strive to please the Lord with our food choices in order that we may be the very best for His Glory.
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