Breakfast- raw fruit salad with cinnamon on 6 oz strawberry soy yogurt
Snack (optional)- 1/4 c almonds, 1/4 c raisins

Dinner- black bean quesadillas, avocado on side, mixed raw bell peppers, 1 1/2 c jasmine rice
Dessert- 1 orange, 1/2 c fresh pineapple
This is what I ate today. I didn't eat the snack, but left it optional for Heath and Laila. I have been eating early, and not eating anything past 9 pm. I think this is working out the best, because I have been waking up feeling very refreshed and not bloated. I have had a lot more sharpness of mind during the day. I am not counting calories, and I don't eat until maximum fullness.
I must admit that this is the first time I have ever eaten raw bell peppers. I bought 1 red pepper, 1 yellow pepper, and 1 green pepper. I didn't know how good they tasted! Laila even ate them, and wanted more. I read that kids will eat them if they are presented in different colors; my kid is proof of that.
Supplements: Laila takes a children's multivitamin from the health food store, and D3 (1,000 I.U.), plus a probiotic for kids. The days we don't eat a good source of omega-3 fats, we take Carlson's fish oil. 1 tsp for me, 1/2 for Laila. I also take 5,000 I.U. of D3 (with calcium), and a probiotic. I am hoping we can discontinue the D3 for most of the summer, once we are outside more and can get it from the sun.
Tidbit: Laila has dealt with eczema in the past, and I have found since she started the fish oil that it has ceased to exist.
Goal for the week: I don't want to throw out food at the end of the week. I read an article about how much food Americans throw away, and it was not cool. I know that the further we get into this journey, I will get used to how much we all eat every week. This should help me avoid throwing out any produce that has gone bad.
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